Tap into your true nature and create a life of freedom and ease.

Nature & Arts Based EMDR Therapy + Psychedelic Assisted Psychotherapy for Adults

Located in Golden, Colorado
Virtual therapy services available for residents of CO, FL, and MA


I’m so glad you landed here. I know your healing journey has been long and, let’s be real, you’re exhausted.

Not just from trying to heal but from everything-work, kids, relationships. All of it. 

You know you’re overworked and burned out on life, but it feels like you can’t pause long enough to truly relax.

And when it comes to therapy, you’ve already put in so much hard work and tried so many different things!

You’ve tried what others have suggested: journaling, self-help videos, podcasts, and books.

You’ve even spent weeks (or years!) in talk therapy only to walk out of your sessions feeling drained from talking and not really seeing any big changes happen.

So then you learned more about a holistic approach to healing—you tried acupuncture, reiki, yoga, and more. But it feels so hard to make time to integrate these into your life in a consistent way. As soon as you start to make some progress, it feels like your healing gets interrupted, and you have to start the process all over again from the beginning.

And still, somehow, YOU are the one who everyone else comes to when they are struggling, because on the outside, you seem like you have it all figured out.

But internally, you feel like a total mess:

  • You feel stuck in the fear of making the “wrong” decision about your life, job, and relationships.

  • You feel trapped in the career/community/role that others told you was “right” and “successful”…but you secretly feel unfulfilled.

  • You feel confused and frustrated  by your chronic pain and physical symptoms of anxiety. 

  • You feel like you have to hide your true self in fear of being misunderstood by others.

  • You feel stuck taking care of everyone else before yourself, leaving you utterly drained. And you used to love caring for others, but more and more lately, you’re finding yourself feeling irritable and resentful.

And I believe you’ve landed here because a big part of you is finally ready:

  • To break free from indecisiveness and overthinking so you can fully trust yourself. 

  • To finally take some bigger risks (like leaving that job you secretly hate), without fearing what others may think.

  • To get to the root of your  “weird” unexplainable somatic symptoms. 

  • To shake the belief/feeling that you’re “misunderstood” and figure out how to find a tight-knit community that sees and accepts the REAL you. 

  • To put yourself first and make space for playfulness, creativity, and true relaxation.

Hello, I’m Susannah!

I help overachieving parents and wellness professionals-like you-who long for uninterrupted time for play and rest but feel like they have to take care of everyone else first. My mission is to help you to receive and savor stillness, tap into your true nature of creativity and playfulness, and build the self-trust that you’ve been craving.

And I know that everyone’s healing looks different. That is why I customize my treatment to fit what YOU need. Through the use of Nature & Arts Based EMDR Therapy, Psychedelic Assisted Psychotherapy, Expressive Arts Therapy, and more, we will work together to create your own unique healing journey.

I know how exhausting, confusing, and lonely it is to feel like a total mess internally, while seeming like you “have it all together” on the surface. I also know what it's like to settle into self-trust, lean into my creativity and playfulness, and embrace who I truly am. I know this because of the therapy, training and  support that I have received and continue to receive to this day. I have experienced this working on an embodied level –for me AND for so many of my clients, and I’d love to make space for you to experience this too!

As we work together, you will discover and practice ways to:


and create space for more

joy and ease

in your life!

Individual Therapy Services

Coal Creek in Golden Colorado where Susannah Horwitz provides Nature & Arts Based EMDR Therapy

Nature & Arts Based EMDR Intensive

 Process your trauma in half-day or full-day intensives using a personalized combination of Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR), Nature-Based Therapy, and Expressive Arts Therapy in the beautiful setting of the Colorado outdoors or online.

  • A bench next to a lake in the mountains where Nature & Arts Based EMDR Therapy occurs

    Weekly EMDR Therapy

    A weekly alternative to Nature & Arts Based EMDR Intensives. Experience the same approach to healing as offered in intensives on a weekly basis.

  • Clouds in the mountains to reflect what Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy is like

    Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy

    Psychedelic Assisted Therapy provided in collaboration with Skylight Psychedelics.